Good Running Shoes for Severe Pronators and Supinators
Good running shoes should be able to provide much-needed support or much-needed cushioning where the foot needs it. Whether a foot needs more support or more cushioning, and where these are needed, depends on the foot type and the shape of your foot. Aside from the normal runners, there are runners who are fated to live with running problems because they are born with either flat feet or high-arched feet. Both foot types make them vulnerable to severe pronation and severe supination.
Good running shoes for runners who experience either one of these two conditions are those that can correct the problem, not tolerate it.
Top Running Shoes on Extreme Sides of the Scale
Maximum cushioning for severe supinators
- Maximum control for severe pronators
1. Maximum cushioning for severe supinators
Severe supinators need shoes with maximum cushioning so that impact can be properly distributed throughout the foot. Supination causes only a certain part of the foot to touch the ground since the high arch sets the rest of the foot above the ground. Cushioning can help even out the impact received by the foot.
One good running shoes with excellent cushioning is the Asics Gel Cumulus 12, which improved upon the 11th edition by adding an even softer road feel and adding more stability features to help you run steadily even with all the soft cushioning. Aside from the Gel cushioning, the 12th Cumulus also features an additional gender-specific forefoot cushioning plus a full-length Solyte 45 platform cushion material.
Another options is the Brooks Glycerin 8, which even recently won Runner’s World’s Editor’s Choice award for its enhanced cushioning and the all-new Brooks DNA technology. The Brooks DNA is a significant update. This new technology works with the BioMoGo technology to provide intelligent cushioning that adapts to the genetic structure of your foot. It distributes pressure based on your weight, pace, and your biomechanics structure so you get cushioning exactly where it is most necessary.
2. Maximum control for severe pronators
On the other side of the scale are severe pronators who need shoes with maximum control so that the excessive inwards collapsing of the foot will be prevented. The collapse of the foot will be controlled up to a certain point, which is just the right point to make your gait efficient and optimal.
One shoe that got the formula right is the Asics Gel Foundation, which is now on its 4th generation release. Motion control is provided by the DuoMax Support System which sets the foot on the right course to prevent any unnecessary motion in between heel strike and toe off. It also controls pronation by keeping the heel in place with the PHF or Personal Heel Fit. But Asics also makes sure this shoe protects the foot properly so it adds along the durable and responsive Gel cushioning system and SpEVA midsole.
You can also check out the Nike Air Structure Triax+ 13. This shoe is a favorite among overpronators because it controls pronation without sacrificing the need for cushioning. It comes with an improved medial post to prevent pronation and an arch support to prevent the full collapse of the flat arch. But it also supports this with a crash pad and Nike Zoom cushioning units in the heel and forefoot so the feet are still protected from impact. Other helpful Nike technologies include a Fitsole sockliner that follows the anatomical shape and mold of your foot to provide an almost tailor-fit feel plus flex grooves for a more efficient gait.
Understanding Pronation and Supination to Find Good Running Shoes
Both refers to the way the foot collapses when it touches the ground during landing. A high-arched foot, due to its high-arch, tends to collapse outwards in a movement called supination. A flat foot, due to its almost completely flat arch, tends to collapse inwards, and that movement is called pronation. In extreme forms, pronation and supination increases the risks of running injuries and foot as well as bodily fatigue during runs.
So remember, good running shoes should provide corrective technologies to help you run your best and to free you from the bondage of pronation and supination.