Marius Bakken's Marathon Training Blog
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Apr 17, 2014Hard training sessionsHi Marius, I know you say not to run the hard (speed) session back to back. But is is ok to have them back to back if there's a day off in between? Something Continue reading "Hard training sessions" Mar 16, 2014Can you skip week 13 in favour of a marathon phase week?Hello Marius Thank you for your training plan - far more specific and therefore motivating than any others I have found. I'm following the 3:00 plan Continue reading "Can you skip week 13 in favour of a marathon phase week?" Mar 05, 201450km distanceAdjusting to 50 k distance : Hi Marius, I have a 50km road race coming up in 98 days (14 weeks). Can you tell me how to adjust the program for this distance? Continue reading "50km distance" Feb 03, 2014GeirCross country skiing sessions. I am going to run half marathon in April in Madrid (in three months). Since snow is plentyfull here in Norway now, I plan Continue reading "Geir" Feb 03, 2014Smart stridesHi Marius, I am in my 2nd week on the 3:30 schedule, and I really must say that I find the whole schedule very refreshing and exciting. Thanks! I have Continue reading "Smart strides" Jan 25, 2014Should I do the SS* strides before or after cooling down?SS* before or after cooling down : Hi Marius! I have a question about the short strides (SS*). I didn't completely understand, should I do them before Continue reading "Should I do the SS* strides before or after cooling down?" Jan 25, 2014What is the point of Effort 5?Effort 5 : Hi Marius! I am an experienced marathoner who hasn't progressed during the last four years. I thought I need to try something new and found Continue reading "What is the point of Effort 5?" Jan 16, 2014How do I adjust the effort zones HR-demand to my maxpulse?How to adjust the effort zones to a different heart rate : Hi Marius, I am starting your 100 day plan, and I am going for the sub 3:30 plan. I have Continue reading "How do I adjust the effort zones HR-demand to my maxpulse?" Jan 16, 2014Session Info vs. Speed InfoWeek 2 Session 1 of the 4 hour plan confuses me. If I were to run the six 1200m at the noted Effort 3 and Effort 4 pace in the 4 hour plan, it would take Continue reading "Session Info vs. Speed Info" Nov 23, 2013Using the program for racewalking..Using the 100 day plan for racewalking : Hi Marius, Have read that some people are using the program for other sports but what about applying it to racewalking? Continue reading "Using the program for racewalking.." Nov 23, 2013Asthma Asthma and marathon running : Hi again Marius Thanks a lot for answering my previous questions. I am almost afraid to bother you again. First I just Continue reading "Asthma " Oct 30, 2013"Recovery" after Half Marathon race during marathon trainingHalf marathon 8 weeks before a marathon : After a Half Marathon race at almost full effort 8 weeks before the goal full marathon, should the workouts Continue reading ""Recovery" after Half Marathon race during marathon training" Oct 30, 2013Fast finish or sub-par effort in rest of race?Fast finish or sub-par effort Hi Marius, As part of a 7-week training plan between marathons, I just ran a 10k race where I had a strong finishing kick Continue reading "Fast finish or sub-par effort in rest of race?" Oct 30, 20131) Between Marathon Schedules 2) Mismatch between Half and Full Marathon ResultsBetween marathons and half marathon prediction : Hi Marius, I have two questions: 1) I just finished my second marathon, and my next one is coming Continue reading "1) Between Marathon Schedules 2) Mismatch between Half and Full Marathon Results" Oct 22, 2013What is a realisitic improvement in time?How much is it possible to improve : Hello Marius, Thank you again for your guidance. I followed the 4:30 plan as prescribed and finished my first marathon Continue reading "What is a realisitic improvement in time?" |

New : If you want all these principles outlined in a complete plan check out the full 100 day Marathon plan...
FULL marathon training schedules "The 100 Day Marathon Training !"
Blogroll : quality blogs/sites you want to visit..
Jogging 101 - Visit Elaine's Jogging 101 for some of the best tips on jogging out there.
GPS Running Watch Review - Visit Joe's GPS running watch review site for some excellent tips on what GPS watch to choose.
Running Headphones Central for advice on picking the right headphones on your run. - where people with mismatched feet find their "sole" mates
Picking Running Shoes - Check out some excellent advice on picking running shoes from Jeff over at the Running Advisor.
Running writer Duncan Larkin's Web site--a nice source of running information and professional interviews with elite competitors
Train for a marathon with carvey-running-tips - Mediocre runner but world class funny with marathon advice for the entire universe. You might die laughing but you wont die in the race if you follow Carvey to the twenty mile mark and beyond!
Trail Running - is a site well woth visiting for trail running lovers and running enthusiasts in general.
Running Shoe Reviews - RunningShoesWizard for choosing your running shoes.
The Juggling Runner - Just Your Average Joggler Perry Romanowski, combines running and juggling (with still fast running results!)
Running Tips For Beginners With Coach David Tiefenthaler with some excellent running tips for beginners, covering all aspects of the running experience.
Steve Speirs Run Bulldog Run Very well updated & motivational blog about running and training in general.
Joe Ely "Run With Perseverance" An excellent read with perspectives going back 4 years on running and life in general.
26.2 Quest - Inspiring blog about a lifestyle change through running.
Half Marathon Running Vaishali on half marathon running and preparations.
Triathlon Training
I am adding Sebastian Wicks "Triathlon Adventures" in here. This is a great way to start if you want to add swimming and cycling before your marathon!
Members Only Marathon Coaching Section
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Half Marathon Training Schedule - Training for a half marathon takes a thought through plan and good running schedules. Just consider the words. Half - Marathon. Half of the big boss - the challenge itself; the marathon.
Best Marathon Running Shoes
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Mens Walking Shoes
Finding Your Foots Constant Companion - Mens walking shoes are very important. They are necessities since you need them for your regular walks. If you havent tried shopping for walking shoes in the past, then you must think buying the right walking shoes is all about finding a nice-looking shoe with a great design and a great feel when you try it on.short)
Marathons : Picking the Best Marathons/Half Marathons This is the major page for letting your voice be heard/read what others have said about a particular marathon/the top half marathons around.
Training For A Marathon - The Starting Page This is the starting page with the basic tips for training for a marathon. Like I said on the front page, the information about the marathon is almost overwhelming. |