Marathon Training Schedule

Marathon Training Schedule -
"A Smarter Approach to Your Marathon Training Program"

Marathon training scheduleAre you searching for a marathon training program and looking for marathon training schedule tips and tricks? Or maybe you are preparing for a half marathon/10k/5k.

"I've found a faster, safer, and far easier way to approach marathon training. and I've combined it with my world-class training methods to help hundreds of motivated marathoners and runners like you drastically improve their personal best times, decrease their training injuries, and eliminate burnout."

Click right below to find out more :


-->The 100 Day Marathon Training Plan<--



What others have said about the 100 day marathon training program:

marathon training programmarathon training plan


elcome, to a site with the step-by-step-what-you-need.

To prepare yourself for a marathon. To make a marathon plan that works.

This is Marius Bakken (also in the picture right above, after a 5k!) and I won't be one of the "running gurus" telling you that this is right and this is wrong.

But what I am, is a two time Olympian 5k runner.

With a good portion of passion for running and interest in the marathon - that has built this site for you, a marathon runner. On any level.

With the tools. For better (and hopefully!) more fun marathon running.

Start below a......and go-with-the-flow for lots of free information...

Or go directly to the :

FULL marathon training schedule "The 100 Day Marathon Plan !"

marathon training


Preparing a Marathon Training Plan - A Four "Step" Process That You Find Articles About Here.

The 4 steps are ;

  • Choosing,
  • Training,
  • Preparing,
  • and Prevention for the marathon.

plus one "bonus-step" which is "Sharing your experience"

Step One - Choosing The Right Marathon. Make A Wise Choice!marathon training

First up is choosing where to run,

  • New York City Marathon - the course,route and a few special training tips of the # 1, one and only New York Marathon.
  • Boston Marathon - the history of the oldest annual marathon, course and Boston qualifying times.

Finally, a real "exotic" one : the Honolulu marathon and the fast real Berlin Marathon

..and more to come.

These are meant to give you some tips and examples.

Of the different marathons to choose from as the final goal of your marathon training.

They are all unique in their own different ways - and since marathons can only be run a few times a year, that choice will be important for your final goal and motivation.

Step Two - Marathon Training Schedule and the 5k,10k,Half Marathon Schedule.

running girlNext, of course, is training for the marathon,

  • Marathon Training Schedule. Full marathon training schedules. All levels with 8 specific 100 day-to-day schedules for a 2:45 hrs marathon goal, 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00. As well as a pure beginners plan !

Plus :

How to do it with Heart Rate Training (where you can also find out how to determine your maximum heart rate )

Also - in addition to that,

Marathon training may involve :

button3 Step Three - Marathon Preparation. Eat, Drink, Sleep and Shoes..

Preparation for the marathon. This is a biggie.

And involves such things as choosing the Best Marathon Running Shoes and of course, a major topic among marathon runners :

No need to "hit the wall" at 30k/20 miles if you have done your preparations well!

NEW ! Now expanded is the running shoes section. You absolutely need great running shoes, perfectly fitted to your feet if you want to run injury free your marathon training. So you can read about the best running shoes out there and in particular Asics running shoes, with a special mention on their Kayano Shoes in these articles.

In addition to this, if you're in special needs for shoes for underpronation, you may want to check out this article on the best shoes for underpronate or if you have a need to save money in your shoe pick : cheap running shoes / discount shoes.

Step Four and Finally - Prevention & General Running Tips


This is a section meant for general running tips,

With such as ;

  • is treadmill running better than outdoors running
  • stretching... or not ?
  • injuries and
  • running program tips in general

In addition to this, the members of the 100 day marathon plan have their own Q and A section that is divided into several sections. You have to be a member to post here, but feel free to read the answers even though you're not yet on the plan :

Click on the respective links to find the info you're looking for.

Members Area :

Marathon Training newsIn the running tips section you will find out how deal with some of these things.

In this section you will also find articles on such as dealing with stomach cramps during runs.

Also in the running tips section, you'll find Questions and Answers...

and - See the Running Questions

The Bonus Step - Sharing Your Marathon Experience !


New! Added in this site is an option to share your marathon experience and read what others have said before you.

Have you run a marathon ? We would love to hear your opinion.

It is real easy to share your thoughts ;

  • A marathon tip to share (or see what others say) ? Check out the Marathon Tips part.
  • Have run a marathon, ready to drop a review, take a look at the Marathons section.
  • For Chicago marathon, New York marathon, Boston marathon or London marathon articles (you find them in the left side navigation) though, you will find a unique submission form for each one of them, as they are the biggest.

Enjoy and happy running ;)


Get Free Workouts By Email And More.
You get blog updates with tips, ideas, and news on the world of marathon and half marathon training from a professional runner. And more!

As a gift, you get a a series of Marius'  15 core world class workouts for the marathon, spread over these emails. These are taken directly from the 100 Day Marathon Training Plan !

Just type in your email address and click "send." You should get an email and your first workout gift within moments..
Don't worry -- your e-mail address is totally secure.
I promise to use it only to send you Marathon Training Workouts and Tips.

PS: Click above to subscribe.....

This gives you one step ahead on new, only relevant, site & marathon information through the Marathon Newsletter.

Marathoning, The Mount-Everest-Quest Of Running


Some say, that climbing Mount Everest would have been much easier if it had just been that little bit lower.

It is sort of the same thing with the marathon.

Because of its distance, it is extremely challenging for runners on all levels.

We have all heard of, or experienced the "marathon wall" around the 3/4th mark of a marathon.

At the same time, this challenge is probably what makes the marathon what it is..

Why An Individual Approach To A Marathon Training Schedule?

Marathon Training ScheduleIt is quite intriguing to see all the marathon theories out there.

A quick Google search gives you the answer. It is overflowing.

So what is this place ?

It is a place for marathon running also - but from a slightly different angle.

This is a place that want to focus on you,

  • as an individual runner.
  • with your own strength and weakness. Preferences and choices.
  • who wants to run a marathon.

Whether it is one of the big marathons, such as the New York Marathon, London Marathon, Berlin Marathon or Chicago..

Or maybe you are training for your first time low-key run as a marathon beginner.

A more individual approach means you can do less work for better results.

Which is more effective training.

And a more fun, interesting approach.

The Search For The Right Marathon Training Program...

It is quite easy to spend hours after hours on the internet trying to find the "right program".

And start off training without really being sure if this is the "right" kind of workouts to do.

Halfway through the training is not the time to find out that you are

  • overtrained,
  • undertrained,
  • injured
  • or chose the wrong marathon training plan.

What is much more fun is to train for a marathon when you know you are doing the right thing.

To a large motivation is very relative to the situation you put yourself in. This is a personal experience and the experience of many others "before you"

With a good "gut feeling" and positive training experiences, motivation comes much easier.

With a passion for running, through this page you will find a mix of personal experiences, scientific stuff on the marathon made understandable and easy. All for free.

With the focus on how to make it all fit together.

The marathon is a real challenge because it involves so many different factors.

Thank you for your visit, if you have any questions or additions do not hesitate to make contact.

Latest news

Apr 17, 2014

Hard training sessions

Hi Marius, I know you say not to run the hard (speed) session back to back. But is is ok to have them back to back if there's a day off in between? Something

Continue reading "Hard training sessions"

Mar 16, 2014

Can you skip week 13 in favour of a marathon phase week?

Hello Marius Thank you for your training plan - far more specific and therefore motivating than any others I have found. I'm following the 3:00 plan

Continue reading "Can you skip week 13 in favour of a marathon phase week?"

Mar 05, 2014

50km distance

Adjusting to 50 k distance : Hi Marius, I have a 50km road race coming up in 98 days (14 weeks). Can you tell me how to adjust the program for this distance?

Continue reading "50km distance"

Feb 03, 2014


Cross country skiing sessions. I am going to run half marathon in April in Madrid (in three months). Since snow is plentyfull here in Norway now, I plan

Continue reading "Geir"

Feb 03, 2014

Smart strides

Hi Marius, I am in my 2nd week on the 3:30 schedule, and I really must say that I find the whole schedule very refreshing and exciting. Thanks! I have

Continue reading "Smart strides"

Jan 25, 2014

Should I do the SS* strides before or after cooling down?

SS* before or after cooling down : Hi Marius! I have a question about the short strides (SS*). I didn't completely understand, should I do them before

Continue reading "Should I do the SS* strides before or after cooling down?"

Jan 25, 2014

What is the point of Effort 5?

Effort 5 : Hi Marius! I am an experienced marathoner who hasn't progressed during the last four years. I thought I need to try something new and found

Continue reading "What is the point of Effort 5?"

Jan 16, 2014

How do I adjust the effort zones HR-demand to my maxpulse?

How to adjust the effort zones to a different heart rate : Hi Marius, I am starting your 100 day plan, and I am going for the sub 3:30 plan. I have

Continue reading "How do I adjust the effort zones HR-demand to my maxpulse?"

Jan 16, 2014

Session Info vs. Speed Info

Week 2 Session 1 of the 4 hour plan confuses me. If I were to run the six 1200m at the noted Effort 3 and Effort 4 pace in the 4 hour plan, it would take

Continue reading "Session Info vs. Speed Info"

Nov 23, 2013

Using the program for racewalking..

Using the 100 day plan for racewalking : Hi Marius, Have read that some people are using the program for other sports but what about applying it to racewalking?

Continue reading "Using the program for racewalking.."

Nov 23, 2013


Asthma and marathon running : Hi again Marius Thanks a lot for answering my previous questions. I am almost afraid to bother you again. First I just

Continue reading "Asthma "

Oct 30, 2013

"Recovery" after Half Marathon race during marathon training

Half marathon 8 weeks before a marathon : After a Half Marathon race at almost full effort 8 weeks before the goal full marathon, should the workouts

Continue reading ""Recovery" after Half Marathon race during marathon training"

Oct 30, 2013

Fast finish or sub-par effort in rest of race?

Fast finish or sub-par effort Hi Marius, As part of a 7-week training plan between marathons, I just ran a 10k race where I had a strong finishing kick

Continue reading "Fast finish or sub-par effort in rest of race?"

Oct 30, 2013

1) Between Marathon Schedules 2) Mismatch between Half and Full Marathon Results

Between marathons and half marathon prediction : Hi Marius, I have two questions: 1) I just finished my second marathon, and my next one is coming

Continue reading "1) Between Marathon Schedules 2) Mismatch between Half and Full Marathon Results"

Oct 22, 2013

What is a realisitic improvement in time?

How much is it possible to improve : Hello Marius, Thank you again for your guidance. I followed the 4:30 plan as prescribed and finished my first marathon

Continue reading "What is a realisitic improvement in time?"

More articles :

Good Running Shoes - What are the Top Running Shoes Around - Explore some of the best running shoes for marathon training in the good running shoes section.

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