Below you can see the different questions asked about the different long (easy) runs in the 100 day plan as well as Effort 1 runing.
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Goal pace training and long runs
Goal pace training marathon : adding longer hard runs at goal pace :
"I am about to start training for my 7th marathon and I'm considering following …
Easy running
Where should one add the easy runs in the 100 day marathon plan ?
"The easy run is session 3. Below the session it states "Add this easy run in between …
Easy runs and pace
Effot 1 - pace and/or heart rate. Do I need to walk the easy runs or can I just rn on pace ?
"In regards to heart rate and Effort 1 runs...I usually …
Seizing up on long runs
Seizing up on long runs :
"Hi Marius,
I've been enjoying the Sub 3:30 plan. I'm in week 8 and I ran the walk 30 run 2:30 easy long run. Basically, …
Should I put the easy run in before the long run
Placing the runs with hard + easy long runs
"I'm training on the 4:00 hour training plan. At week 7 the first session is hard and the second is long. …
Duration/Distance of long runs when selecting schedule
Changing length of long runs on "faster" schedule :
"Hi Marius,
Should I adjust the duration/distance of the easy runs when I select a schedule …
HR ZONE 1 issues?
Zone 1 Effort,
"Dr Marius,
Like Kenya, I also find it very challenging to stay in HR Zone 1 (below 140) without walking. The problem isn't only …
Walk/Runs effort 1
Effort 1 Walk-runs :
"Hi Marius
I've looked through your previous responses for walk/runs but haven't notice exactly what I would like to know. …
Easy Effort 1 Plan 3h30
Catching up in training and Effort 1 heart rate.
"Hi Marius
I'm back in to the training again after my ciatic issues and able to manage it with …
Easy Effort 1 Plan 3h30 Session 3 walk/run
Effort 1 and effort :
"Hi Marius
I've started the 3h30 program and following the heart rate method. I seem to hit the zones ok and the times per …
How many sessions
How many sessions a week :
"Hi Marius,
I have chosen the 3:30hr training program. I am at my second introductory week and really enjoying the program …
Easy Running Vs fast Walking
Is it ok to do fast walking instead of easy running on the easy runs of the 100 day plan ?
"Hi Marius!
Since I purchased your amazing 100 day plan, …
Can't acheive zone 1
Running and zone 1 :
"Trying the heart rate training. I do not consider myself in poor shape. I am training most of the year for high altitude alpine …
2:30hrs "walk/run"
If i am able to run 2:30,do i have to walk?
Answer : I have touched this a few times in the Q and A. Yes, you can do this, but ONLY if you feel that …
Switch plans and adjusting long run duration
The long runs :
"Hi Marius,
I started training using your plan after nearly a one year training hiatus. When I started training, I felt that the …
The 20 mile runs
Is there a need to add in there longer runs in the 100 day plan ? Like 20 mile runs ?
"Hi Marius,
I’m on week 8 of the 3:15 plan and I’m really enjoying …
Effort 1 Vs heart rate
Heart rate vs. pace in zone 1.
"Dear Marius,
Thanks for the program.
Just started to follow sub 4.5 hour plan. I have been running since last …
Effort Level 1 - Frustrating Pace
Effort 1 in the 100 day plan
"Hi Marius, I am enjoying (mostly) the sub 3:30 plan (I'm in week 5) but I suspect my question may resonate with others. …
Long Runs
How close can the really long easy runs go to the hard runs ?
"Hello Marius,
I have done a full term search in your FAQ section and did not find …
Split effort 1 runs in two parts
Can I split the effort 1 runs into two parts ?
"Hi Marius,
In your plan you have sometimes included a run of 90 minutes @ effort 1. Unfortunately, …
Long Run with a middle or Finish at Marathon Pace
Opinion on Kenyan type running in the long runs :
"Marius, what is your opinion on lets say, running at marathon pace the final 1/3 or middle third …
Running and Walking
Is it ok to run the "walk-runs" in the 100 day plan ?
"In the 3:30 schedule it has the run/walk sessions to get used to the marathon duration - are …
Zone 1 Running
Zone 1 running - as compared to the other zones.
"Hi Marius, I know that you have answered similar questions to mine, but I could not find anything …
Walking and running at the end of long runs
What do you do if the heart rate keeps going at the end of easy runs - into Effort 2 ?
"Hi Marius
I am following the 4hr plan. I have a question …
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Hills in Effort 1
What do to if you have very hilly areas where you live in terms of Effort 1?
"Hello Marius, I am running the Melbourne Marathon in October 2010 and …
Adding easy runs
What if you want to add easy runs into the 100 day marathon plan ?
I was wondering if, just because your plan calls for 4 days of running, …
Easy runs running
How can you add more mileage to the 100 day marathon plan - is it ok to add more easy runs in your week ?
"Dear Marius,
Thanks for the 100 day …
Run easier on easy runs
How easy can I run on the easy runs ?
This is a respons to the comment made by Matt here : Easy Runs and Pace
There are individual variations to …
Heart Rate Training - Hills
What to do about heart rate training on easy runs if it is hilly and at the end of sessions :
"I'm on the third week of the 4 hour marathon training …
Running with friends on the long run
Sunday marathon plan sessions in Effort 2, is it a problem ?
"I am planning to follow your plan, but every Sunday I am running a long run (2:30) with …
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