
Walk/Runs effort 1

by Tom O'GARA

Effort 1 Walk-runs :

"Hi Marius

I've looked through your previous responses for walk/runs but haven't notice exactly what I would like to know.

I'm beginning week 3 of the 3:15 plan. Is it imperative to walk on the walk runs or is running very easy and keeping the heart rate below 130bpm during the course of the training ok?

I feel fine doing this and as it's winter so much easier to keep warm.

I'm running the other easy effort runs closer to a constant 135pbm at approx the recommended speed of 5:20 but for the walk/run I drop back to about 6min-6:15 and keep the heart rate lower for a longer period.

Is the walking so we don't over train?



Answer: Hi Tom and thanks for your questions.

IF you are an experienced runner (and if you are also light framed, even better) you can certainly run these - but do check how tired you are after these runs. If they eat too much out of you, I would walk-run them instead. The cold weather is a good argument to keep going though - in either way, on these very long efforts.

I wish you all the best,

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