
Switch plans and adjusting long run duration

by Peter Geshel

The long runs :

"Hi Marius,

I started training using your plan after nearly a one year training hiatus. When I started training, I felt that the 4:30 plan was appropriate but, would not be enough given my base at the start of training. So, to compensate I added an extra recovery run and I have also combined parts of two plans. Namely, I use the interval, recovery and total number of runs (from the 4:00 plan) and the long runs (from the 4:30 plan) from another plan.

I feel great and have not missed a session. I just complete week 10 and finished the 3:30h long run (from 4:30 plan). I ran 80/20 and finished 20 miles comfortably (effort 1). Should I continue in this manner and attempt the 4:00h long run in 2 weeks (since I will likely cover at least 22 miles)? I know that I can do it but, it seems potentially excessive. It definetly beyond plan.

In my past experience (8 marathons and 6 50ks completed at a pedestrian pace), I would never recover sufficiently from my heaviest traing week prior to my races. With your plan I feel stronger. Your training reasonates with me.

My previous marathon PR (4:02) was acheived after I had missed my longest training run. Because I missed this run, I was not as tired at the race start but, I was less confident. I went into that race cautious (like my first race) and slowly allowed myself to increase my pace. I believe that your training plan will get me to the starting line as fresh as I have ever felt.

Answer: Hi Peter, to make this answer general.

If you have felt that a too long of a run too close to a marathon has worn you down before, you want to be a little careful now, especially as training is going so well ! I would say, instead of the 4:30, aim for a 3:00-3:30 hour one. And be careful to not push it too much. That will keep you on the safe-side, especially as the combinatin of the two schedules gives the body a little bit extra training vs. the normal plan.

Keep up the good work,


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