Hilly marathon extending overall duration of the Long Runs?
Extending time on the long runs :
"Hi Marius I am training the 3hr marathon plan and all going well, thanks. My race will be a real uphilly marathon, climbing strongly and steadily in the last 17km ( more than 1800m). Whereas I am training for the speed of the 3hrs marathon, my race-marathon will take me around 4hrs 40. Question: Do I have to do the long runs therefore at a longer duration than in the 3hrs plan?
Ps:I am doing the last 1/2 of my long runs uphill to get the specificity, as you have mentioned Marius.
Greetings from NZ Juerg"
Answer:Hi Juerg and thanks for a great question.
I would probably add in there two "walk-runs" where you hit close to your finishing time in duration ; 4:00 to 4:30. No more than two of those and make them no closer than 14 days before the actual marathon.
That should make you all set !
I wish you all the best, Marius
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