How to reach Zone 4 after recovery
by Kristin
How to deal with zone 3 running, going into zone 4.
"Hi Marius First of all, I enjoy your Marathon Plan very much - look forward to every session. I have one small problem. One of my sessions is 10 x 3 min in zone 3 and 4 with 2 min recovery. after my recovery on 2 min i have problems getting up to sone 4 in those 3 min. My pulse(?) drops very fast. It's not until the two-three last 3min. that I manage to hit zone 4. Is that ok??"
Answer: Hi Kristin and thanks for the excellent question. This is perfectly ok, but it MAY also be that you're running your zone 3 pace a bit too fast - therefore making it hard to hit zone 4 at a steady heart rate.
What you'll find though is that the longer you train with the 100 day plan, the easier these shifts will be, as the whole plan has those type of sessions all through.
Either way, as long as you have a marked change in pace between the zone 3 and zone 4, then no worries ! This is the most important thing, as one of the core reasons for the shifts is muscular adaption to different paces.
I wish you all the best with your training and I'm glad you enjoy the 100 day plan.
Kind regards, Marius
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