Unable to complete a planned session
by Jeff Yung
(Hong Kong)
Missed sessions :
"Hi Marius,
I am now in the 10th week of the 2:45 plan. Last week I did the Key Marathon session, 40min E1, 30min E2 & 40min E3 which was a good session and I could complete it.
Today I am trying to do 40min E1/40min E2/40min E3 in 10th week, however for some reasons, I feel tired towards the end and could only complete 40min E1/40min E2/ plus 10min E3 then stopped. I missed the last 30min of Effort 3.
I just want to know if I should do a make-up session for this one? Or should I just forget about it and continue the rest of training?
I worry that if I didn't complete this Key session, it may influence the overall training plan.
Thanks, Jeff"
Answer: You should drop the session entirely. Never try and make up for a training session, even key ones like this. Instead, focus forward, forget about it and look at it as a way for your body to adjust the overall stress.
This is a philosophy I followed myself in my own career and I highly recommend the 100 day marathon plans runners do the same :)
I wish you all the best, Marius
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