yoga and marathon training
by Jim Kennedy
(hixson, tn, usa)
Yoga and marathon training :
"Hi Marius, I would like to know your opinion on practicing yoga and marathon training?"
Answer: Hi Jim and thanks for your question.
My wife is a Yoga teacher, so I have to be careful with my answer here ;)
I DO think that doing some Yoga can benefit you as a runner, but being too flexible will probably work against you (if you look at Kenyan runners, they are very inflexible, I've tested this myself on them - so are most top runners )
So I would say Yoga 1-2 times a week is probably just positive - but extensive Yoga beyond that is something you'll have to monitor / see, if it works positive or negative. It is hard to say and likely also a bit individual !
Also check out this article as it will give you a bit of perspective : Yoga and athletes
I wish you all the best,
kind regards, Marius
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